Heiskell Physical Education

One way that our kindergarten students get to participate in badminton is by having relay races with the badminton rackets and birdies.  We also play a tag game called "Birdie Tag".  A few students hold a badminton and they have to tag those who are fleeing.  This game keeps everyone running and full of excitement. 

Because a badminton player must serve to start the game, we started with the badminton serve. 
Bend, extend, lean and conect are the words we know so that we can practice the serve!  Students are finding out that it is more difficult that in looks to hit an object a few feet away from them with the end of the racket!  Overall, all the students are improving tremendously! 

Hockey is a game that most students love to play.  One of the challenges we have been improving on is passing.  Passing the puck is becoming more natural for the students as we keep practicing in gym. 

Peanut Butter and Jelly Tag is a great tag game to help with shuffling and squatting.  Students have to try and guard their partner "peanut butter", from the "jelly" which is running around the two slices of "bread".  The "bread" and "peanut butter" hold hands and shuffle left and right, keeping "jelly" away. 

During P.E. class, we spend the first few minutes warming up by doing some laps and some exercises.  Each month we have a variety of different ways to warm up as well as new exercises.  Each grade from Kindergarten through fourth grade have new exercises to learn and review! 
Ships and sailors has been a huge hit among all the grade levels, leaving students asking me to play more and more! 

January - February
The Basketball Unit will range from two to six weeks depending on the grade level. 
The unit will begin when we get back from Christmas break. 

November 17th 2010
At certain times in the year, the gym is occupied by children who practice for their great performances.  When those days come, we go to the cafeteria and practice our exercises and cup stacking!  Cup stacking is an activity that is exhilarating for students.  They get to practice their fine motor skills as well as imagine different ways to stack the cups.

Get ready for the presidential fitness test by looking at this website to see the list of the activities.
The two charts below give the ages for boys and girls and the number or time that they need to fulfil the required exercises in order to receive the National or Presidential Fitness Award! 

We will be taking the Fitness Test in April or May depending on your grade. 


National Scores (Click to enlarge)

Presidential Scores (Click to enlarge)

November 25th 2010
This is the week of DODGE BALL!!!  All the kids love dodgeball and we get to exercise anytime we get hit! 

How to serve - Low, Drop, Step, Slap!

November 1st 2010
In physical education, we finished up flag football and are now practicing our square dancing for the fall festival!  Hallelujah! 

During our square dancing unit, take a few minutes to dance with your children!
Teach them some old moves you learned as a child.

Here are some pictures from our physical education classes. 


"Step, L"

"Follow through"

"Nice Spiral"


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5 Privileges

1. Love God and Love Others - Mark 12:29-31
"The Lord our God is one Lord, and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength and you shall love your neighbor as yourself!"

2. All For God's Glory - 1 Corinthians 10:31
"Whether then you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

3. Obey Authority - 1 Peter 2:13-14
"Submit yourself unto every human authority, for the Lord's sake. They are sent by Him for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of those who do well."

4. Tame Your Tongue - James 3:2
"In many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same if a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body."

5. Control Your Body - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
"What, do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own? For you were bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."