Monday, October 25, 2010

The Arkansas Revival Services

This weekend was an uplifting gift from the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and God our Father.  Friday night at eight o'clock, Michelle, Allison, Bob (Rick's Intern) and I, drove to the airport to catch our flight which left at ten o'clock at night.  We were picked up by a friend of Michelle's who was transformed by the power of God in Brazil which transformed his whole families life. 

Saturday morning we spent a half an hour worshipping the Lord and then a few hours learning how to pray for people.  During lunch I had time to walk through the fields near the retreat center on one of the most beautiful blustery days of this season.  Arkansas has rolling hills and open land that reminds me of the country.  People are friendly and the body of believers at Heritage were so kind.  After lunch we went the rest of the time learning about different issues people have been through and how to pray for them.  We were blessed to stay at a house about a mile away from the church who did a wonderful job of hosting the four of us. 

Sunday morning I was able to share my testimony during the traditional service about how God is faithful to those who continue to pursue Him and His Holy Word.  During the contemporary service Michelle was able to share her testimony about the power of the Holy Spirit and at the evening service Allison proclaimed the greatness of God and how no sin is to big for God to deal with.  At the end of all three services, there was a time for people to come up to the altar to receive prayer and I was thankful to get the opportunity to pray for a number of people. 

One person the Lord led me to pray for was a twenty four year old woman who lost her five month old child earlier this year.  The Lord used me to pray for her in a way that touched her deeply.  People were healed of holding unforgiveness and bitterness against others, as well as realizing the true love that Jesus Christ has for them.  Other people were set free from shyness and timidity and the fear of rejection.  There were so many blessings that happened and I am thankful that Jesus allowed us to partake in His Kingdoms work. 


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Questions for Junior High

The Junior High students are going on a retreat once again to a wonderful place away from home.  Some of the questions that I have for the junior high students, as well as for you are below.  It is always good to take an hour out of your weekend to dwell one on one with the Lord Jesus.  Can you give Him one hour?

1. What are you looking to receive from the Lord this weekend (hour)?
2. What are you expecting to happen?
3. What do you not understand from the Bible that you would like to understand?
4. What book from the New Testament have you not read?
5. If you could change some things about your life, what would it be? 
6. If you have someone that you have not forgiven... forgive them!
7. How can you personally grow closer with the Lord?

These are a few questions that you can ponder and pray over! 
Comments are always welcome! 
Praise be to Jesus.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Family Bible Study

Having six people in a room reading Romans three can be a challenging task especially when four of them are kids!  My family and I try to have Bible studies on monday night to read through some scripture.  The verse that stood out to me today was Romans chapter three verse twenty.  This treasure says "Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin." NIV.  The law lets us know we need a saviour and the saviour Jesus Christ lets us know we need to do more than just following the law!  In the Old Testament, Jewish people claimed to be right with God because they did not eat pork, they did not work on the sabbath and they were circumcised.  Now, there are those who claim to be in right standing with God because they go to church, tithe and they dont curse.  Going to church, tithing and not cursing does not mean your in a right standing with God.   How would you explain to your pastor, your child, or Jesus that you are in a right standing with God? 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Jesus, The Author of our faith!

Our Faith comes by hearing.  Yes, hearing the Holy Word of God.  As we diligently seek His face, we see words He has spoken and hopefully hear them too.  This gives Him the opportunity to increase our faith!  Do you want more faith!  If you do, all you must do is take time to hear His Words from the Bible.  Pray the prayer that the apostles prayed in the book of Luke, chapter 17, verse 5!  Hallelujah.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Petit LE MANS

I have never seen Indy cars and Formula One cars go so fast in my life!  VVVVRRRRRRROOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Thirty five cars raced one thousand miles from eleven AM morning to about eight thirty at night.
My dad and I walked all the way around the two point five mile track and I took many pictures and some video clips.   You can find the pictures in the pictures page.  It was loud and these cars went SSSOOOOOO fast!  I hope you get a chance to go to one some time. 
The video does not do justice to how fast they really go, but I believe in this video they may be going around 130 miles an hour.  The video's noise level is also not to be compared to the real sound of the cars.


5 Privileges

1. Love God and Love Others - Mark 12:29-31
"The Lord our God is one Lord, and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength and you shall love your neighbor as yourself!"

2. All For God's Glory - 1 Corinthians 10:31
"Whether then you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

3. Obey Authority - 1 Peter 2:13-14
"Submit yourself unto every human authority, for the Lord's sake. They are sent by Him for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of those who do well."

4. Tame Your Tongue - James 3:2
"In many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same if a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body."

5. Control Your Body - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
"What, do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own? For you were bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."